Good morning all!! Been awhile!! I tell you that little one keeps me so busy!! But I have a few things to share with you.First, my oldest son, Tyler, is doing a School Walk for Diabetes. This is a disease that hits our family close. Tylers deceased father, B.J. had diabetes, so we know how important it is to keep informed. I want Tyler to learn all about it so that he doesn't end up with it. I don't usually do this but I thought that this was important and would like it if you could visit Tyler's webpage and sponsor him by making a small donation. I know that times are tuff but any donation you make will help. Thank you in advance.LAYOUT SHARESHere are a couple of layouts I did recently using Island Girl Designs Along Came a Spider kit. You can find it at Moo Two Designs or Designs in Digital.Preview of Island Girl Designs Along Came a Spider kit!!
This is Caden being a spider. But he calls it bug!! He is so amused by the word BUG!! He says it so funny - we all crack up when he says it!!
This is Tyler and Caden!! Tyler was Darth Vader!!
And last but not least is your FREEBIE!! I got to thinking that I had only done I Love Mommy frame - so why not include others. So, here's I Love Daddy frame!! Enjoy!!
And here's Caden and his Daddy or D as he calls him!! It's funny I guess Caden just got lazy and he calls me Ma and his Daddy D!! Too cute!!
Download hereStay tuned for more I Love frames!!